Alright I got back from wageslaving, I'll try addressing some of the concerns brought up.
>>59188281We talked briefly about it and we were open to re-adding those cut on a case by case basis given that a few were cut for having names seen as deragtory or degrading to the player. Literally who as a player is a good candidate given she was a vessel for including more models per kit selected.
>>59192101This is a good point too. Players were voted off for a reason, yet indifference shouldn't drag a player down the same way someone wanting them removed does.
>>59188877>>59189187>>59190724>>59191214Captains was an idea I thought was good and I am wanting to include them as options for the next poll in a few days. While we wanted to have the VTL not directly affect anything with the main team, including captains is something that could have happened under people suggesting it through the poll so I have no issues with it. The caveat I would have with that, and to an extent the other suggestions of the poll, is that 2 separate options that are the same chubba or idea won't make the team twice as that would be redundant.
>>59189143Suggestions section had multiple phase reps included in it. Pic related is all the suggestions given in the poll