>>90158982It has nothing to do with unicorns or gachikoi but with creative freedoms, art, and self-determinism.
Let's take Hololive for example. It started as an artistic venture in streaming content and was very avant garde in what they delivered. As it became more corporate, more restrictions were put in place on what could be streamed or said or done. Over time it becomes less about the art and more about the money. This is fine... up to a point. That point was passed, and now it's less about streaming to make money and more about streaming to make someone else money. That's where the full creative breakdown sets in, especially after one becomes personally financially stable. Everything after is extra and when you want to take risks or try new ventures but aren't allowed it becomes a mental slog to keep going.
Phase is taking a similar path at the moment where restrictions are being expanded and managerial oversight is heavily expanded. This, by the way, is why there is so much "burn out" recently and why there's so many breaks. Content will gradually change and what is allowed will be reigned in in favor not of the talent's personal journey or channel, but for the supposed health of the company itself. While some of these changes are natural and unavoidable, many are forced in order to achieve a sense of uniformity and stability in marketing and branding.
tl;dr: Unfortunately Phase is moving towards become a standardized vessel for selling the idea of entertainment, and away a company offering entertainment.