Sorry, I’m back. I’m online shopping for new clothes so I keep tabbing in and out kek. Like
>>28748686 said, I like to imagine the cult more as something whose presence is so inflated by rumors and hearsay that it kinda comes off as bigger and more influential than it really is. 200 people is the number I keep giving for the population, and like I mentioned yesterday that includes men and children, not just women of childbearing age. I like the idea of Holy Kingdom puritans acting like Luxuria is actively planning to overthrow the entire world at any given moment because they hate us and then when you actually get to Luxuria, it’s just pregnant ladies chillin. The most important points I’d say are:
1) The Holy Kingdom doesn’t like us and treats us as blasphemers tainting Vox’s image. Meanwhile Luxuria insists they’re doing what’s best for Vox ie providing more Kindred to the world
2) It seems bigger and more important than it really is. Definitely still a fringe cult and I wouldn’t be surprised if people on opposite ends of the map haven’t even heard of it
3) Pregnancy, obviously