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It's Sunday, here's your card for next week!
We pulled the Reversed Four of Wands!
The Four of Wands is a card showing celebration. People are dancing, having fun, and not minding that they may appear silly, or what others might think of them. It's a card of joy and laughter, camaraderie and relaxation.
In its reverse position, however, it signifies that something is weighing on your mind. Maybe you've let yourself become embarrassed about your simple pleasures and you want to keep it secret from others? Maybe you've gotten self-conscious and can't quite enjoy what you used to?
This is a card that is about you, and not the group, and it's about your relationship with your celebrations and your inner harmony. Maybe you're that one person who keeps their eyes open when you're supposed to be meditating during yoga, or sing really quietly during a birthday party because you're self-conscious of your voice?
Allow yourself the freedom to be cringe, anon. You only live once, and sometimes being cringe is being free.