>>12454092>statistically your chances are astronomically low. Dont go in thinking you will succeed instantly.>dont go nto it for the money. If you care sbout hat sign up to onlyfans. Thats not an insult. Onlyfans is actually easier.>to be a good vtuber you have to be s good streamer first. A good design will not save you.>be lewd but not crudely sexual. Don hate on hentai. Cunny good.>offer gfe but dont force it unless you do it like nene. You are basicly becoming a digital Geisha. Thats the gold standard anyway.>dont be a minecraft or apex cuck>dont be a twitter addict>like your job>dont have a bf. If you do dont talk about it.>dont collab with people vt hates. Especially outside of the company.>dont talk about politics. Keep that private. and dont pander to china>dont have pets. Noone thinks you deserve a month off when it dies.>if you are a singer, sing and do some karaoke.>stream at least 3 times a week.>if you hate your base design get a costume later that reflects (you) better.>dont cloutchase senpais>no meme reviews>people will always shittalk you why yes men ill neve criticise you. Izs hard to get genuine feedback but despite what leddit will tell you a good place for that is here and 5chan. Grow a thicker skin. The people most rude are also usually the most honest.My honest to tanigo advice. Take it o leave it.