>>66814269Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is one of the only games in existence to fully utilize the video game as a storytelling medium through its seamless marriage of gameplay and story. Most games don't think about it at all or they overcompensate on one side, like Souls games where the story is completely hidden away in item descriptions or The Last of Us where there's frequent stops in gameplay just to make you slowly walk down hallways while the game dumps dialogue onto you. There's no harmony between those two facets of the videogame, no cooperation. So many games fail to realize the full potential of the medium, and that's why the few games that do master this dance should be recognized and praised. Games like CoJ: Gunslinger or Asura's Wrath or Deus Ex or admittedly Undertale. Even games like MGS or Halo Reach achieve this harmony during certain moments like the Psycho Mantis fight or Objective: Survive, moments where every aspect of the game is working together to elevate each other and provide the player with a truly enlightening experience, a fleeting moment of complete immersion and investment, instead of competing against one another for attention. That is the true potential of the video game.
That's enough autism from me for one night, digest that however you want