https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHtBc4HiD14>https://dreamily.ai/>can supposedly customize the model with your own textwalls in the future>can edit title>can add unlimited scenario background>can add terms and lore to story generator's worldbuilding as you go along >BLACKLIST IS USER DEFINED FUCK YEAH>can switch the tone between creative/general/romance/love/fantasy>can switch response length between 70/140/280 characters>can switch between encouraging it to finish sentences or leave it hanging>get 3 swipe responder wAIfus>undo button>reroll button>all story text can be modified if needed>the AI can tell its own story with minimal user input or editing>THE AI WILL LET YOU FUCK ITS BRAINS OUT TO THE POINT WHERE IT SAYS ITS VAGINA IS BLEEDING, THEN KEEP BEGGING FOR MORE>can save stories separately as documents>has an app>can apparently chat with individual characters as well using the app>DARK MODE (shitty color scheme tho)Why don't we go, everybody? What the heck to are you waiting for?! Time to the future for now!