>>26686180chuubas are for pretend, yes
>>26686279>>26686281Leave my trapped on xp hill polar bear daughter alone.
>>26686381I don't know it doesn't seem like she would go that deep for our sake considering the nature of her character it's more likely she was throwing it out there as a teasing acknowledgement of the sickness of the human condition (blood/lust/self determination/termination).
Then again... her thank you chat cover tears were awful convincing(thats her job) and she does really good at whining about how much she hates chat. I try to watch sterile 2d anime because I hate the proclivity of 3dpd females to play the make me feel pursued like you're going to rape/kill me power dynamic that gets flaunted as a shit test. Either way I'm sure yabbit will continue providing quality definitely not federally funded entertainment.
>>26686154pippa is one of the designated schizo honeypot chubbas sorry anon