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Luxiem cannibalism cat cafe.
Preparing "materials"/hunting:
> Shu
Kills you with a perfect cut on the throat, as you're tied. You die from blood loss after 3 minutes. Mastered using surgical utensils, able to perfectly cut open and separate every organ. For this reason, entrusted with the subjects with supposedly healthy liver, because he's the only one who can separate it from gall bladder with perfection.
Pros: + studied anatomy a lot; + able to cut with absolute accuracy using his knowledge of anatomy; +superior scalpel skills;
Cons: - mid-tier brutal force, not confident enough to put you down with anything but a knife.
> Luca
Smashes your head against the wall. "POOOOOO-" is a last thing you're going to hear in your life. Easily separates limbs from body with an axe. Struggles with understanding how anatomy works, so usually just tears off organs with almost bare hands and leaves it as it is. The best at butchering and cutting body to the pieces.
Pros: + top-tier brutal force; + top-tier speed;
Cons: - lacking knowledge and skillset to do some speeds (pair up with Shu to compensate each others cons);
The one who lures the subjects in a cafe. Refuses to participate in butchering process, so asks one of the boys to do it for him. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty, but has exceptional cooking skills. Able to cut big chunks of meat, when everything is done, into smaller pieces: ribeye, t-bone, using his superior cooking knowledge.
Pros: + the best at gaining trust of subjects; + perfect cook;
Cons: - won't participate in things he doesn't want to;
Talks with subjects before butchering them. Calming them down and making sure they are comfortable beforehand. Nobody knows why he does that. Kills with a slit on a throat. Has a weak stomach, so it was hard for him to tolerate some parts of butchering process at first. Makes sure everything is sterile, hangs subject after the kill to drip all the blood, does skinning and separating head first, because it's easier for him to do the work when the body least resemble human. Writes down information about every subject afterwards, remembers their names.
Pros: + decent at his job; + extremely clean setup; + some documentations may be useful for choosing subjects next time;
Cons: - it takes him a long time to accommodate and set up everything so he'll feel comfortable, so the time it takes him to do the job is extremely high;
You can't tell who is more afraid: him or you. His hands are shaking as he's holding a knife, he repeats "I'm sorry I'm sorry" all the time. He deals the blow in a heart with a knife, but misses, causing the most pain to the subjects out of everyone due to incompetence. Will deal several blows until the subject is finally killed. Has the weakest stomach, so he practically has to work with a bucket on a side, to throw up time from time. Will never refuse to help or show the signs of weakness afterwards. States that he's absolutely fine doing that when asked for help. He is really afraid of being a nuisance, so he'll try hard no matter how this will affect him.
Pros: + extremely loyal; +you can ask him to do anything and he'll do it out of crippling fear of not being useful; + tries hard;
Cons: - results of his work are below average, and it takes a lot of time; - refuses any help, nobody fully knows how actually deeply it affects him;