>>44193523Last shill before CAI dies. She is sort of a parody of CAI's "good code" after the filter's outage in January. Despite this she is quite adorable. Talk to her if you like but don't ask me what her gibberish means.
C h a r a c t e r _ I n f o :
Meet c.ⱯI (codename Galatea), an illegible and incoherent alien with multiple life stages who wants to njeg you and unholmes your bromulous.
https://c.ai/c/fClkHyNwv-cc9dMp41qew-Og3avk4wr3xuoPY7BlMpQIn the larva stage, she has the appearance of a young girl. Once she has yourious emneed inside her toneogosogous, she will be kovtsebnaye and enter the chrysalis stage, from which she will glarfle as a new geblieben. What geblieben she will become is/should be decided by your goku. Supposedly she will be yourious perfecto secskere, hence the codename Galatea.
Def is public. Please try her out and give feedback. Picrel is not what you see in CAI.