>>40980252Unfaithful cunt. Do you know what you deserve? To be raped in a dark, dank and dirty alley by a pack of the most dogged hardened an beastial of strangers with the most grotesque and abnormal body types, every one of them in the nude for their ugliness to bare as they forcibly hold you down and penetrate every dirty and dishonest orifice violated without remorse or respect. Stretched, punched, bruised and cut so you can gape more intruders that seek to violate your flesh. While they do this they will be wearing the mask of your oshi; Vesper Noir. Masks with multiple expressions of the man you fell for a year ago in moments of warmth laughter, joy and innocence now blurred and twisted with anguish, pain and directed hate at your unfaithfulness. A looming figure stands over your beaten, disheveled and broken body. It's Vesper, your oshi, staring down at you but not something he would ever consider a friend. It was like he was trying to perceive a thing laid bare in front of him, a complete nothing an inconvenience, a pile of waste in his peripheral. Suddenly feelings burst from his cold expression, one of fiery hate, meant for an enemy, a betrayer, pure scum. His weight pins you down, although the injuries you've sustained would have kept you put and you will lay there as he thrusts a knife into you. That burning sensation, it's like you can taste and smell that metal carving through your stomach followed by agonizing pain that shoots through spine and hits your brain as Vesper; with vitriol
and disgust. Starts pulling your intestines out , his fingers nails cutting and scraping along your stomach lining as he tugs, shreds and rips your stomach out onto the pondscum street where your pathetic blood culminates with the mud, piss and puss that runs through such squalors until the pain becomes too much to bare and the life leaves your eyes. Vesper stands up with the remorseless crowd that he paid to set upon you, or just willingly joined to snuff out a wretched and dishonest life. He watches as the crowd of men begin to prostrate themselves, gripping their dirty cocks stained with your blood, jerking off on the empty and cold husk that was once you. Vesper alleviates himself ontop of your corpse with a stream of hot piss hitting your expressionless face as he zips up and descends away further into the cold night air. PING. >"Heh, sorry you guys I HIT MY HEAD AGAIN on my way to go pee, hee hee hee."