Selen worked her ass off getting into Nijisanji with a 10 page research document.
Enna "just got in" somehow. Literally without even trying. She just resubmitted an old document from her previous job and changed the company name to "Anycolor".
> like Selen calculated (put effort) getting into Nijisanji, but I accidentally got in HAHAHA
Selen: wait you... wait, what does that even mean?
Enna: It means that... hmm it means that, you know I was just like "oh okay" and then they are like "OK, YOU ARE IN". And I be like "Oh, SHIT! Ok, oh right then"
Selen: I wrote a... I had like a 10 plus page document before my interview researching everything...
Enna: about what? It is not IB Selen
> Enna: you know what I did? I fucking... I had this like in my previous retail job, they gave us this sheet that had like a question... like a bunch of questions. I used that as a... like a basis and then and then like... like the... I just replaced the company name with Nijisanji