>>22366832Fucking newfag heathen no one on this thread give a shit about your retard olympics gold, its a fucking shitpost meant to laugh at you sub number infidels. The only real gold is daily gold and your fucking fools gold is worth less than the smegma on my smelly fucking dick after I puctured your prostate to fuck the retard out of you in the name of numbers. You and all the rest of you invaders have to get thee the fuck out back to discord where you sperm gargling trannies belong as you have no place in this holy thread blessed by the Saint Hubertus and charged with the holy duty of determing the best vtubing number of the day, with NO SUB GOLDS. The prescribed exceptions are on previews and after 1 am jst, there are no golds before the Daily Gold. There are also no golds AFTER the daily gold. there is ONLY THE DAILY GOLD. We have only worshipped the Daily gold and there will be no other. You filthy sub gold mongrels must GO BACK to the discords you spawned from.