Devil by Ironmouse and Bubi is a song reference to potetial /in/ talents, a shitpost analysis.
[Opening letter imagery:]
Ironmouse: Hey what's your name, there's no need to be so stressed [potential /in/ person for their tryout with Mouse, being reassured]
Ironmouse: This ain't hell, they're down there [JP Corpo hell, being scammed as indie reference]
Ironmouse: But we'll (Ironmouse and Bubi) do what we do best [scouting potential /in/s]
Bubi: Whoa Whoa Whoa, panic less don't you see that you've been blessed [with a Vshojo interview after scouting by Ironmouse and Bubi]
Bubi: You've been chosen (/in/) to party with an army of friends (Vshojo)
[The scene referenced above has an individual that is covered by the army of friends, 19 faces ( This is a reference to the Vshojo JP panel at AX2023 where Kson states that Loutlot told her that Vshojo would have 20 members in five years (]
Ironmouse: Days fly by we (Vshojo) have fun (TALENT FREEDOM) here regardless [reference to permission and burecratic autism]
Ironmouse: So why not try leaning into the darkness [potential /in/ should join Vshojo]
Ironmouse: Hesitate, do I need to remind you? What I am, I'm the promise that binds you. [join Vshojo, Ironmouse will take care of you]
[Bubi Interlude]
Bubi: On the cruelest of days, [rough days in JP Corpo/indie]
Bubi: May the bonfires guide you [bonfires: Vshojo members or friends of Ironmouse lead potential /in/]
Bubi: Sayton (Ironmouse) will save, any Soul (potential /in) if inclined to. [inclined to: deemed worthy by Ironmouse]
[The scene referenced above has the fires burning amongst a backdrop of a moon with a flock of birds flying in front of it. The moon is a reference to night, their time in JP corpo/indie, the flock of birds is their current "flock" of either JP corpo or indies ( The next scene below has Bubi pulling them aside from the flock, as one of the bonfires that leads to Ironmouse (]
Bubi: Follow her (Ironmouse) wishes, tonight of all nights, [potential /in/ needs to follow THE PLAN]
Bubi: Through powers unholy, we humbly invite you. [THEY ARE SO /in/ ]
Ironmouse: Too far gone we can't stop now. [Potential /in/ is liked, passed the test, they must join]
Ironmouse: When I shout! Dance! Party through the nighttime. [Do as Ironmouse says in the process of joining, go through the motions, act happy and positive in your remaining time in JP corpo/indie]
Ironmouse: Lose yourself in my eyes, clear your mind, you're in it with the Devil now. [The potential /in/ is now claimed by Ironmouse and Vshojo, and must say goodbye to their JP corpo/indie days]
Ironmouse: No chance leaving now, your name's signed (contract), in my book of design (Vshojo), clear your mind, you're it it with the Devil now. [They are now /in/, signed with Vshojo and tied to Ironmouse]
Bubi: Nowhere to run, all your secrets lead you to the fire. Can't you see. [Secrets reference JP corpo NDA, the fire is the threat of lawsuits. Bubi speaks about these types of things because Ironmouse cannot]
Ironmouse: That you're it it with the Devil now. [/in]
Bubi: Have some fun, join our cause and reach for your desire. Can't you see. [TALENT FREEDOM]
Ironmouse: That you're it it with the Devil now. [/in]
Bubi: Oh you poor thing, did you think I'd let you slip away? Your name's ink darling you promised me and now you'll pay. [They were lead /in/ by Bubi and there is no leaving now]
Ironmouse: Oh - so scary! [sarcasm, he isn't scary]
Bubi: I am your king bu I'll ghost your heart and let it race. [The /in/ may fall for Bubi but it will never happen]
Bubi: Glory to her. Let us shape the world to your lord's taste [background has imagery of Ironmouse through this scene, Bubi telling the /in/ to stick to THE PLAN]
Ironmouse: My turn! M-O-U-S-E, Ironed. How I got no flaws on me. [Reference to accolades]
Ironmouse: "So mean", "We're fiends", "Supreme beings" [Imagery in quotation boxes to reference what may be said about Mouse by outsiders]
Ironmouse: Sharp teeth, most potent piece 'cause, I'M YOUR QUEEN. [Reference to Ironmouse and how she can be fierce for the /in/]
Ironmouse: Enough of these delays! I'm dying to catch a break! [Reference to JP corpo non-competes/NDA and the help or "break" that can be provided to the /in/]
Ironmouse: What's with that face? Let's celebrate! Come on dear humans, humor fate. [Imagery of scene has similar lone character backed by a similar background that had the 19 faces. Reference to /in/ debut.]
[Bubi Interlude repeats followed by Chorus repeat]
[Fade to black, reference to JP Corpos and groups or individuals that scam indies]