'm gonna use a wrestling analogy:
When you have an oshi, when you have a chuuba, when you really love a vtuber there's a part of you that wants to win her when it's all said and done, you wanna be the last man standing. You also know there are thousands, if not millions of dudes who feel the same way and wanna win her too, but you're all starting from the same spot so it's a fair and friendly competition, there's a sense of camaraderie there. May the best man win and all that. But then some faggot shows up halfway through the match when everyone is exhausted and beat up, endorsed by the company no less, and wins without breaking a sweat. You just got screwed over, congratultions
That's why people hate male collabs. Some asshole shows up with Yagoo's or whoever's approval and gets premium 1-on-1 access to your oshii. He's making her laugh and telling her stories about himself and whatnot and more than likely stay in touch with her off-stream. He just took the biggest shortcut possible while you were toiling away the normal way.