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re: hats and auctions
1. M is a nigger
>bid protection
2. What a fucking faggot
>more taxes
3. Fucking kikes
The biggest problems with the auctions ARE the fucking taxes and the way the cooldown is setup.
First and foremost, in what fucking galaxy does the BIDDER pay a fee on an auction, let alone on a per bid basis? SELLERS pay fees.
M doesn't realize how much he's pissed away in taxes with his lowball pussy ass +$1000 bids. They are intentionally meant to inconvenience you and get you to give up and fuck off so he can get his cheap hat. Just bid an extra $10k for 1, maybe 2 bids, and then drop a +$100k on him and watch him fuck off.
The cooldown and the timer are both fucking broken. None of these scenarios should invoke the cooldown:
>bid on item A, attempt to bid on item B
>bid on item A, attempt to list item B
>bid on item A, Anon#2 bids on item A, attempt to bid on item A
meaning the cooldown itself has no reason whatsoever to exist unless it's to keep the server from self-immolating.
The +15min timer is also a UX nightmare. If you're the first bid on an item with 5 minutes left, it's because nobody fucking wanted it. Adding +15min just draws attention.
Last but not least, implement eBay's "shadow bid" system and watch the "problems" inherent to an online auction disappear.
I shouldn't have to explain how bidding on eBay works, and I don't know if it isn't on nasfaq because it is hard to implement, or because devs have never used it.
>Item is $1,000
>Bid $100,000
>Item is $1,000 - I am now high bidder
>M shows up with his faggot ass $5,000 bid
>Item is now $6,000 - I am still high bidder
>M bids $50,000
>Item is now $51,000 - I am still high bidder
>N bids $200,000
>Item is now $101,000 - N is high bidder
Sellers don't get short changed here, they still get the highest amount another Anon was willing to offer to pay. This can't/won't work if we can still bid on our own items, which shouldn't fucking be possible either. I understand having a penalty for cancelling an auction someone was already bidding on. Remove the obnoxious 50% cancellation fee for bidless auctions already. What the fuck were you thinking? Implement a flat listing fee of $1,000.