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Favorite Todd stream bros?
For me it's his 200k celebration stream (Gettin' over it with the boyz)
>7 hours stream and he couldn't get past the devil's bottom
>Raged most of the stream, drank an insane amount of beer to "focus better", vomited once during the stream, threw a lot of slurs he had to edit the VOD numerous times (And there's still a bunch left even today) ended up rage quitting
>Refused to do getting over it but ended up doing it because according to him everybody else was doing it and that he "could totally beat Luca's record" first run
>Spent 40 minutes trash talking Petra after their disastrous A Way Out collab
>Sonny and Alban didn't say anything Todd just continued making fun of her non-stop
>At some point Sonny and Alban couldn't hold their laughter and had to mute themselves
>He didn't stop despite Fulgur joined to tell him that Petra has been in the call (for 2 hours) sobbing and Todd didn't realize
>He proceeded to freak out and kicked her out of the call. Then he told Fulgur Petra suddenly had to go
>Then he resumed trash talking her for 10 more minutes until he vomited and everybody was making fun of him now
>Told everybody this skinwalker story and they laughed at him and he got genuinely mad no one believed him
>Millie and Enna joined and Todd couldn't keep his cool, was flustered for almost an hour
>Claimed the gremlins were too much for him and "he was a gentlemen" despite he called Millie a slut and he got pissed off after she calling him a fucking asshole back at him
>Annoyed Fulgur for 20 minutes asking him if he had a robot dick
>Eventually he told them this dumbass story where he saw this massive sausage in costco and was wondering if a robodick could enlarge non stop
>Screamed 5 minutes non stop when he fucked up a jump and Millie almost died laughing
>Tried to hit on Rosemi but got pissed off when every attempt turned into a deez nuts joke
>Was so drunk at some point he unironically believed Vox has been alive for 400 years and asked him about the wild west for 20 minutes
>Straight up asked Sonny if he was a racist and told him it wasn't cool to hate niggers Enna and Rosemi were laughing non stop
>Asked Finana, Pomu and Elira if they were virgins and called them liars