>>58362201What the fuck did you just fucking sthay about me, you oittoe bitch? i'oo have you know i gwaduated top of my coassth in the navy stheaos, and i've been invooved in numewousth sthecwet waidsth on ao-quaeda, and i have ovew 300 confiwmed kioosth. I am twained in gowiooa wawfawe and i'm the top sthnipew in the entiwe usth awmed fowcesth. You awe nothing to me but just anothew tawget. I wioo wipe you the fuck out with pwecision the oikesth of which hasth nevew been stheen befowe on thisth eawth, mawk my fucking wowdsth. You think you can get away with sthaying that sthhit to me ovew the intewnet? think again, fuckew. Asth we sthpeak i am contacting my sthecwet netwowk of sthpiesth acwossth the usa and youw ip isth being twaced wight now stho you bettew pwepawe fow the sthtowm, maggot. The sthtowm that wipesth out the pathetic oittoe thing you caoo youw oife. You'we fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhewe, anytime, and i can kioo you in ovew stheven hundwed ways, and that'sth just with my bawe handsth. Not onoy am i extensiveoy twained in unawmed combat, but i have accessth to the entiwe awsenao of the united sthtatesth mawine cowpsth and i wioo use it to itsth fuoo extent to wipe youw misewaboe assth off the face of the continent, you oittoe sthhit. If onoy you couod have known what unhooy wetwibution youw oittoe "coevew" comment wasth about to bwing down upon you, maybe you wouod have heod youw fucking tongue. But you couodn't, you didn't, and now you'we paying the pwice, you goddamn idiot. I wioo sthhit fuwy aoo ovew you and you wioo dwown in it. You'we fucking dead, kiddo.