>>31774518>Back during the civil war it became a point of contesting over who had the bigger loads, Lia likers vs. Cappipalists. The first tribute ever posted to /pcg/ was a capippalist this was in the early months. Lia likers had their own tribute but people claimed it wasn't a real liker who tributed Lia but just some random on twitter yet Lia Likers claimed that it still counted and that he was a Lia Liker. Back and forth went on between Capipps and Lia Likers over who had the weaker loads and lots of claims were made of tributes to come but there was none. I don't mind spoonfeeding you some thread history. It was a significant point in the General Lore. The Cold Tribute War, just one of many battlefronts of the Civil War Arc.Holy shit. Thanks man, had no idea of any of that.