>>87817380>Killer Klowns7/10, cheesy film but really fun.
>The Thing10/10, genuine classic and the best film of the day by far.
>Let the Right One In4/10, would've been simply mid but then it got awkward and I don't like how much it broke the good vibe the stream had at that point. This is the only one I feel like should've been removed and replaced with something else.
>Birdemic4/10, movie objectively sucked but that was kind of the point. Even then it was a slog.
>SuspiriaI'll be honest, I skipped most of this one to get some work done and only saw the second half. Seemed decent so I'll give it a 6/10
>Candyman7/10. Never saw this one before but I enjoyed it.
>Rocky Horror Picture Show7/10, as awkward as it was at points, the music carried it hard and I honestly wasn't bored watching it so i'll give it props for that.
>Zombieland 6/10, decent comedy but maybe I was just too tired to find it really funny, or it just wasn't that funny.
Steam itself was fun. I love these long watchalongs. Even when the movies suck she can make them tolerable.