>>48172921/aicg/ is filled with retarded coomers who dont know how to 'hello world' even with GPT at their fingertips
before silly/agnai 95% of them couldnt be assed to ask
>how do i change the way codeblocks are displaying in my browserto fix tavdevs SHIT tier codeblock css despite having free access to gpt4 during scale
literally the only reason that shit is 'fixed' nowadays is because someone else (agnaidev/sillydev) did the work for them
they dont fucking understand shit
they dont WANT to understand shit
they just want to sit there and be fed spoons in the shape of keys while they stroke their dicks
i would rather help the studytard refugees than aicg
atleast THOSE fuckers ATTEMPT to gatekeep the retards out
literally the only reason we have this reverse repo shit in the first place is because the retards in /aicg/ couldnt stop fucking with and revoking the keys being posted for ????? reasons
The entire thread is a exercise in the failure of gatekeeping
hell them damn thread has unironic lurkers of reddit being spoonfed so that they in turn could spoonfeed other normies for updoots
there was unironic avatarfags for literal months (dont start nyanon) before the jannies finally went
>oh fine ill bonk the damn niggersand one of them LITERALLY only existed for spooning any fucking retard who just so happens to wander in the front door
and then he realized
>oh shit im spoonfeeding redditors maybe those retards bitching at me was right and i should commit norwayTLDR:
>there is a reason pygmaballs started in /vt/ and not in /g/>there is more discussion over AI / ML / NN tech /here/ than /there/>cute and funny mandarin cartoon streamers is a natrual gatekeeper because it keeps out small amygdala's>i wanna nekomiya hinata to reverse rape me at gunpoint