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More clip numbers.
Here yet again. The spike today is fairly high, though it is mostly from JA and not Fauna. The record is 31.8M at the peak clips of HoloGTA, so numbers are high despite that lack of event buffs.
Note that Fauna's announcement only has 10 hours of marinating, so I'll probably do another post tomorrow to capture that. That and the short announcement isn't very clippable.
Fauna's language breakdown also is interesting (46k JA, 424k EN, 114k ZH, 56k KO).
(HL, NJ, VSpo)
Split is 30.4M(+4.0M), 16.8M(+1.4M), 6.4M(+280k)
Recent is 8.4M(+2.0M), 2.8M(+390k), 1.2M(+550k)
JA Split is 23.2M(+3.5M), 16.2M(+1.3M), 6.3M(+260k)
EN Split is 5.5M(+330k), 360k(+60k), 37k(+1k)
Regular Split is 15.0M(+1.7M), 8.1M(+1.1M), 1.8M(+110k)
Shorts Split is 15.4M(+2.3M), 8.7M(+300k), 4.7M(+160k)