>>5890479You think so? Thanks anon. Discord shilling was just one of those things I couldn't wrap my head around and wanted to try and rise up more organically by dropping my link and being open about it. Since I was /here/ quite a long while as a viewer I knew how that shit often backfired and wanted to follow in the footsteps of other selfposting chuubas I admired. I have still been growing slowly and I am getting to grips with discord and using it a bit more casually to talk to people, just didn't didn't want to start off from there. If YOU want to shill me at any point please by my guest!
>>5891086He's talking about this one I believe, which was just posted by an anon on here. It's really cool! SpaghettiHarrisan's a chat regular of mine and also a simply fantastic artist!
>>5891227Indeed you're correct, this has done wonders for my social reps. I'd certainly dedicate more time to networking and clipping and things of that nature if I wasn't wageslaving through the week, it is what it is. I think I'm doing okay though, progress might be slower than other /here/ chuubas but it hasn't stagnated at all, seems like I'm finally settling into that 10 viewer average and greatly enjoying myself!