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This is Millie Parfait.
Millie has a CCV average of about 1000
She leaked her youtube dashboard, which revealed that she makes about $120k a year. That already deducts Youtube's cut. Theorizing that Nijisanji takes 30% of it, that leaves her with $84,000 a year, the average salary of Canada, where she lives. Someone with a CCV of 1000 is making that much. Imagine what someone with a CCV of 10,000 is making.
Reminder that several hololive talents have said that superchats are less than 10% of their income. Vod views, memberships, and especially merchandise deals completely dwarf superchats, and make them an insignificant amount of their total income. For example, Gura gets
-- $600k a year in superchats.
-- With 30,000 members, she makes nearly $2 million a year off memberships.
-- With 300k views per day, her vod views bring in $400,000 a year.
-- A sponsored stream can bring in $100k an hour, and she's had several.
And merchandise completely dwarfs all of these other income sources combined. Although we can't know how much she makes on that, because it depends on the contract.
But Gura certainly makes over a million dollars a year. Probably as much as $10 million all things considered.