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This is the Review of Affection Board Uniformity for Haato's Oshiboard of Directors. Data was collected from 7/17 to 7/23, at roughly 8p server time each day.
I'll be up-front and admit I really don't understand what to do with most of this data. Because of that, you can review the data in its entirety for yourself in the Google Doc post in the OP. I'll go over some abbreviated findings and my own inferences in this post, but just know that this is a new report in uncharted territory, so there's probably some shit I don't look at properly.
At no point during the data collection did a new person enter the Oshiboard, nor did Haato experience any radical changes to her valuation, volume, or anything else. It was a very boring week for Haatons and their oshii. All 5 directors have their wallets open for viewing, and all of them have Haato as their Oshimark. "Boring" seems to be the de facto theme of this report. Nothing ever happens here. Everything is perfectly normal.
Haatons mostly gradually went up in placements throughout the week, mostly gaining 1-2 slots each, although a couple gained 5 slots. The day that Haaton Pharmaceuticals overtook Haachama's Boyfriend in the board placement, Pharma lost 3 places on the leaderboard. Otherwise, nothing major.
The bulk of Haatons' value comes from Haachama, and for the most part their personal weekly graphs roughly match that of Haato herself. The only decisive pattern is that Haatons ALL sold come Friday.
I can't completely confirm anything, but the data does suggest that there is some form of coordination in the Haaton's movements. It's not perfect, though, leading me to believe that it's just shared mentality, resources, or autism, rather than an outright discord chat with all of them making concerted efforts...at least not usually. For now, consider your suspicions partially confirmed.
Regarding future R.A.B.U. reports, I had originally planned on doing 10 per week so that they could be covered in less than a YEAR. This one was more taxing than I had originally anticipated, so I will definitely not be doing multiple at once in the future. Additionally, while I had originally planned to cover EVERY oshiboard, I don't think that's happening. I will be interested in doing more of these in the future at user request, but this won't be a normal thing like I had originally planned it to be.
G.U.R.A. reports will resume on August 1st. I'm going to take the week off of doing special reports and just do Numbers Review (no Numbers Review will be posted on 7/27, this Tuesday, but data will still be collected). In the meantime, the Financial Underwriters of Comprehensive Knowledge would like to remind you to stay informed, shitpost responsibly, and FUD accurately.