>>95127674>silly bit about monetizing vtubing in evil ways>manager bf groomer jokes>my ovaries are gonna be ashes in 5 years and i have to come to terms with that>so i need to do the vtubing thing before i have to settle down and have children>but i will probably gonna end up in a cabin somewhere with 5 cats>im a NOT A HAG not yet i still have a few years>there was a period of my life where i was so isolated, i could have died and no one would have noticed for week, genuinely>i dont wanna end up like that, especially when im young>that's why im glad i live with my dad and my aunt and my step sibligns now even though they are annoying>it's nice getting up and knowing people are gonna be thereso Kara is herd animal at heart?
>we were supposed to talk about streaming plans...>wanna do something for valentines>debut will be fun, YOU WILL HAVE FUN>you will like what i like >what if i debuted on a SUNDAY? >did you know that the shape of the heart symbol comes from the view of a woman's ass from behind?>wanted to do a subathon but i dont think im a subathon girlie>feeling really tired, all yapped out>feel like im about to pass out>i have plans, plans gonna plan and i plan plan and plan will be planned and then i plan and i plan go plaaan yesthat was very essie coded
>do have some stream ideas>themed karaoke, cool themed zatsu>i cant ever play the same game twice even years apart... except FIREWATCH, that was sp good>i dO WANNA PLAY THE TUMBLR GAME THO>the one with the butterfly with the stupid bluehaird lesbian GF>Life is strange yeah>love the aesthetic of DarkWood but not into top down games even tho i play LoL>love the getting to know each other vibe>still feel bad at yapping>rn just tired but did try to be more talkative>tomorrow is karaoke cause i miss singing>wanna do more rock songs and loud cool songs>i cant be loud loud but i can be loud~>collab on Saturday with da girlies, then ASMR>talking about music and band/genres she likes starset, bring me the horizon comes up>but also nu metal, linkin park, korn, SOAD fucking deftones>because tiktok people dont really listen to bands just trendy songs, maybe it's just me>even Spotify pumps singles at you instead of albums>i like german rock too, ice breaker, rammstein>naming some songs from papa roach, slipknot, the kokomo the beach boys and ice cream machine by a pink bunny then higher from creed>if that does explain my taste in music *laughs* >spotify wrap one year was Rollerstaking Lesbians something>i like song, i like when musici see the vision
>if i wasnt a kryptid hunter i would be an emo bitch vtuber like shadow the hedgehog>*checking current spotify suggestions*>happy indie electric guitar thursday night >a lot of variety from vtubers to lesbians to games>i like sonic but i'eve never sonic'dkara does not have sonic autism
>voice starting to give out>discussing the ideal freaky mix>looking at silly mixes>too single for this mix: duvet, waschin machine heart, kingslayer>self sabotaging mix??>it's late gotta be quiet, and use my inside voice>>slavic folk mix, >>creamy mix, >>spooky evil gay mix: i fucked your mom by the band i fucked your mom>i think that's enough of the community playlist>we learned a lot todaylets learn a lot tomorrow!
>oh black sheep! nice>*sings it from memory*>i really wanna sing... but i have to hold off for tomorow>i have like 20m left before i have to shut up>i love sleeping but i hate bedtime and falling asleeping >i hate getting up and getting ready in the morning but when im at work i dont wanna go home>its jsut a never ending cycle *big yawn*>i'll sing tomorrow... im so tired... you have to tuck me in...>*big yawn* you can roast as many marshmallows over my burning corpse as you want>thanks for watching guys *yawn* goodnight>buhbye goodnight goodnight bye bye buhbyebye bye bye bye bye buhbyebyebuhbbuuhbye buhbye goodnight uhbyebye goodnight bubye goodnight byebye goognightb buhbyebye *giggles* buhbye>mmmmwah>buhbye buhbye buhbyebyebye bababye>can you sthee all of me~>walk into my mysthery~>sthtep insthide and hold on for dear life~>*sings the guitar solo*>*ends stream*kara is spamming byebyes just to mess with me