>>4769471Count your daily calories and fucking eat!
You gotta eat BIG to get BIG.
I recommend the app MyFitnessPal for that.
One pro tip from a former skeletor - Drinking calories is much easier than eating calories.
Read the sticky on /fit/ for the basics of fitness (Don't take it as gospel, there's some outdated info on it but it's good enough to get you started.)
Do your big compound movements (squats, benchpress, deadlifts, pull-ups etc.) and focus on getting stronger on them. But please for the love of god, watch as many YouTube tutorials on exercises you wanna do as you can.
Record your lifting form if you have no one to look at it.
Injuries from bad form are one of the biggest setbacks when it comes to lifting, especially as a noob.
Some very beginner friendly fitness YouTubers are 'Buff Dudes'.
Nowadays YouTube Fitness has a shit ton of good and free information on pretty much anything you need for fitness.
I urge you to consume as much content and just suck up information from as many channels as possible.
Personal favourites are Alpha Destiny, Eric Bugenhagen, Omar Isuf and Jeff Nippard.