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Otsonny!! Oh sonny...... You know, I'm starting to feel like him playing fotm games that really don't suit him is an art in its own right. I was mildly bemused when he put the waiting room up and that feeling more or less persisted throughout the entire stream, i think this 328iq tidying tensai specced into the wrong stat because watching him do some of these puzzles really melted my brain. That being said I'm actually genuinely surprised he managed to finish the game and even enjoyed it a fair amount... the stream was a bit like a rollercoaster— slow start, had it's more chill moments, and higher tension puzzles as well where I genuinely thought he was going to say fuck it and soft-ragequit on the spot as he is somewhat prone to doing with games like this. Specifically that level with hanging tools on the pegs was where he really started getting fed up, but you know, good on him for persevering through it (even if there were a number of levels that he just brute-forced). The fucking golf ball picture frame puzzle with the music loop about as long as the earthbound level up jingle was making me lose my goddamn mind but the fact that was probably the worst of it makes it relatively inoffensive compared to some kusoges... and I guess I can appreciate that it pads out the retardedly obtuse levels with easier ones like coin polishing. Also funny to me that this of all games gets sonny to stress eat for the first time in a while. Game was a bit drawn out but this was an interesting stream for sure; it was my first time really getting a taste of a little to the left since it's the kind of meh streaming game you mostly just watch your oshi play, but sonny being silly as he messed around with the puzzles and slowly losing his sanity was pretty cute. Though it's not really the kind of game I'm typically interested in I'm pacified by the cute shithead cat... it's neat that sonny liked it in the end even if it wasn't something he'd usually play either. I know there's supposedly some kind of yellow bday boy offcollab later? Kinda curious about what that entails about but I might catch the vod if I have to, I gotta sleep at some point and the comfy puzzle game wasn't helping me stay awake... we'll see what happens. Thanks for a fun stream taichou, congrats on becoming organization tensai! Have fun with luca and see you soon! (please play okami tomorrow) o7