>>26912628Ah, I take it you'd prefer regular humans, then? I admittedly am not sure how to transfer the "modern tactical gear" aesthetic into something appropriate for Vitubia's relative time period. Comfydants could perhaps offer some, but we lack the infrastructure and machinery to produce more, so whatever we have would just be what we originally brought with us from the future. Large scale production of things like kevlar vests would completely fuck world balancing anyways, so it's for the best that it remain an extremely limited resource for the forseeable future. As it is I've only allowed myself the time travel shenanigans since Noctyx is inherently nerfed by a combination of small territory limiting population growth and 3/5 of our allied kingdoms lacking military power of any kind. Perhaps elite Briskadet troops may have the full tactical gear and typical VSF trooper look, but the vast majority of the army is outfitted in more period-typical leather and partial plate? Full face coverings would likely be traditional.