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12.22.23 episode 60. I don’t know what squeeze means.
>Is it already morning?
>Haha, I gave birth to a fluffy baby...
>It's already the 60th fluffy morning...
>Is Pero wearing that too?
>What did you dress Pero in?
>Too naughty...
>You should wear it fluffy...
>The sisters talk to each other one by one and do emotional things.
>Moko-chan grass
>I really like Polka, fluffy...
>sauce is a drink
>Drink the sauce! ?
>Yokai sauce drink
>Koyori = mayonnaise is a drink. Fluffy = drink sauce
>New challenge?
>Mokochan's natto challenge has become an egggnog challenge...What is egggnog?
>It is made with milk, cream, sugar, and beaten eggs (which gives it a fluffy texture), and is flavored with ground cinnamon and nutmeg.
>What kind of drink is it?
>[response to above] I guess it's a variant of milkshake...
>[response to above] It's like a fluffy milkshake, and it's like the standard Christmas drink over there.
>[response to above] Well, it's like ginger soup in Japan.
>Relative big booba mokochan
>I think Tiny would be a name like Chibi in Japan...
>If I don't eat natto soon, I'll die!
>If it only takes one egg, a glass of milk, some sugar and some spices, I might try making it for breakfast tomorrow.
>I'll watch all of Fuwamoko School days
>Why is squeezing so popular in EN?
>[response to above] It seems to be a standard Christmas custom in Japan...
>[response to above] Japanese people watch Squeeze while eating KFC on Christmas.