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SIGNUPS WILL OPEN ON MAY 31st @ 12a ET, 4 days from today.
>Who can sign up?
Any thread can sign up.
>What is required to sign up?
Your thread must be active on the board in the 3 months preceeding signups opening. We will release the exact criteria when sign-ups open, but we do not expect it to be a problem for regularly-active threads.
Additionally, your thread's manager is REQUIRED to provide VALID contact info of some kind on the form. We will not verify your entry until we confirm the contact info is valid and has an actual person on the other end. You may use a burner account, so long as you can respond to messages we need to send you within 24~48 hours. Any information the manager provides will be kept completely private.
>Will previous LotB entrants be given priority?
No entrants will be given priority for entry slots. They are first-come-first-served. We may offer lenience on the thread activity restrictions for prior entrants, which will be elaborated on when the entries open.
>If I manage the entrant for /mythread/, what will I be expected to do?
You will need to fill out a form detailing your thread's representative wrestler, including appearance, general fighting style, entrance music, and graphic sources. You do not need to convert any of these things yourself, just provide assets. If something you give us doesn't work, we'll contact you. If you ghost us for 72 hours, we'll notify your thread and give the chance for somebody else to step up. If nobody does, /yourthread/ is out and somebody else will get the slot (if appliciable). However, most of the time it's not a big deal and you're mostly hands-off once the form's in, other than confirming details here and there.
>What game will be used?
To be declared when sign-ups open.
>Will there be a tag tournament this time?
No. The Million Dollar Collab title is safe...for now.
>What is the format for the tournament?
It will depend on how many entrants we get, but expect it to be a similar format to last time, without the tag matches in the middle.
>Will there be exhibitions?
Yes. We'll have inter-thread grudge matches, theme matches, and whatever lore shit gets cooked up.
>Will there be lore?
We are expecting an increase in lore. If you would like to contribute, mention it in your sign-up form. If you're not a manager and wish to contribute, there will be a form.
>Will there be commentary?
Commentary interest form will go live with the sign-up form. For those reading this who would like to commentate, we expect the event to take place in July, on Saturday/Sunday, over 2 weekends. Friday may also be included if necessary.
>Can I bring /mythread/'s beef (in kayfabe) to Lord of the Board?
We expect you to.