>>37590110I don't remember you being a chronic shitposter... maybe these recent threads but back then, I don't think, then again, all of this *has* affected us so I don't doubt you've gotten affected by it too.
>>37590115I suppose Im lucky I have a home office job.
save for the moments where Im called in the offices for a meeting or stuff>>37590516>going to bed soonI guess that means I'll have to focus some more soon enough, either way, rest well once you go catch some Z's, alright?
>>37590808 said, there's stuff in youtube to help with sleeping and all of that fun stuff, I know about a channel called greenred productions or something along those lines, they make a lot of videos and streams with sounds and music to help with insomnia.
>>37591164Mouseposter, don't tell me you also got hit with insomnia...
>>37591278Im waiting for a christmas edition for /wAIfu/, padoru edits when?