Running in the 90's Edition
Sundays have become our regular slow day of the week and yesterday was no exception. There were only two streams of note the entire day. The first where Zen decided to jump on the Halloween in August bandwagon and played a couple of horror games. The first being The Convenience Store, the short game about being a girl running, you guessed it, a convenience store late at night. This was followed up with a casual hangout stream wherein Mel boned up on some video game lore, and discovered that she has a strange affinity towards funny videos made in Garry's Mod like it's 2009 all over again. Both cute and fun in their own ways, and the night closed with Mousey hanging out with a bunch of OTV types while playing Gartic Phone. All in all an average day in terms of activity and nothing to write home about.
Thankfully we're at Monday, a day that used to be our Sundays. Things will presumably be picking up again soon as schedules begin to be released and the week ahead of us is demystified. We have a couple ideas of the weeks planned activities already, with Nyan and Mouse scheduled to play Man of Medan together sometime, as well as the first episode of Mousey's new talk show being this week should all go well! Haruka as well should be returning from vacation soon, and Snuffy is planning on moving somewhere less horrible. Maybe this week will also bring an end to the fire alarm saga Froot has been running through.
Only time will tell! Until then the best course of action is to settle in, get comfy, and extend the comfiness to your fellow anons by ignoring bait, and being excellent to each other.
VShojo is:
Nyan- - - - - - - - thread: