General - Magician (R)
Health - Justice (R)
Work - 6 of Wands (U)
Luck - 8 of Cups (R)
Advice - Knight of Wands (U)
>2025 is a year that will focus on Botan's ability to explain why it is she wants to do things, as it may not be clear as to what the intent behind some of her projects are. Being able to properly convey the reason behind her creative actions will be key in having others help her achieve what she wants. >Health-wise, Botan needs to focus on maintaining a work-life balance that doesn't poorly affect her health. She should take note of things in case she gets work that suddenly forces her to work at a pace she's not comfortable with.>Luck-wise, she doesn't have poor luck. Things that didn't go well before may be turn out well this time. She should also avoid being excessively negative and giving up before she's given something a shot. >Work looks to be good for Botan. She can expect to achieve her goals, to be rewarded for her efforts, and for people to take notice of her. Doesn't seem like she'll have much to worry about.>Mio's advice to Botan for 2025 is that momentum is important. Rather than getting bogged down by excessive thinking, she should take action so things start moving. Doing so will help her actually reach the results she wants. In summary, as long as she's able to explain her actions to those around her, she's free to act pretty freely and quickly, and people will act with her.