>>95703694GF can't keep their logic consistent with what a "type" is. Ice and Rock are substance types, a rock or ice type is 99% of the time made out of rock or ice. Dragon and Bug are form types. 99% of the time, a dragon or a bug pokemon is just visually a dragon or insect/arachnid/other arthropod. Dark is just a clusterfuck, Fighting makes no sense in the context of Pokemon, Normal has become the most vague and meaningless type ever since shit like Helioptile started being it for no reason, Psychic can mean something came from space (Except the moon, which is Fairy, except Lunatone and Lunala), or it's old, or it's a Fairy type since before Fairy, or it does shit with dreams, or really just about anything else.
Punching someone is Fighting, unless you punch them really, really hard, in which case it's normal. Jabbing someone with a horn is normal, unless you jab them harder, in which case it's bug. Jabbing normally, or jabbing harder deal about the same damage to something if it's on fire. Charging at someone is probably normal, charging at someone really fast is normal, but if you charge at someone at just the right speed, it's water. Similarly, slamming something with your tail can be normal, or steel, but if you wave the tail around first, it's water. Rolling at someone is Rock-type, except for sometimes when that's Bug, too. Swiping at something with claws is Normal, except when you swipe with a different type of claw making it Dragon or Steel. Hefting your body weight onto something is normal, and can paralyze, unless you really put your weight into it, in which case it's steel and can't paralyze. There are like, 8 different ways to headbutt something, with wildly different effects.
Pokemon types are bullshit and follow no consistent logic, never have, and never will.