>>32953949Things that invoke strong reactions can often and easily be rewired into sexual reactions, children are also extremely susceptible to this effect and it can even completely change the course of what their into, and certain people tend to have different thresholds and different life circumstances that can effect this.
Most people get the standard effect of their ideal partner is usually based on their parent of the opposite sex because that's a source of alot of strong positive emotions and who teaches them how a relationship functions, sometimes completely random shit ticks it off and you get floortile guy, sometimes as a child you play mortal combat or the new tomb raider games and the sexy lady tirulates you but then she gets brutally murdered causing you a rather large emotional reaction full of confusing and conflicting things, or maybe you just associate violence with sex and your mother was also abusive or some shit and somehow something jus clicked lots of reasons and variations as every human being is Unironically completely unique and terrifyingly unimaginably complicated no matter how simple they wish you to believe them to be for not even they understand themselves.
Also that video game example is also why 9/10 women you meet will have a varying but ever present interest in guro if their more than 80% straight because you can't go 2 feet without seeing the ideal man being torn apart physically and mentally and it also being the coolest thing in media