>/vt/ League Academy 2 sign-ups will open later today and stay open for about two weeks>If you think your threads will be interested please inform them>Mind the changes in sign-up rules and format from VTLA 1. The dates will not be known until a few weeks from now but working assumption is the November 23-24 and 30-1 weekends. If those can't be then it will happen in December.>Please feel free to ask about any doubts>https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Talk:/vt/_League_Academy_2you can ask in here if you want to take part and have questions! last time i participated and have fun, if youd like to manage the team, or help in any other way, join the vtl discord and ask about it!
either way id like us to take part again if you guys approve! it should be a fun time and lets us show off the lab and have fun with divegrass and go wao wao together once more! this needs poi so if you approve go wao wao or similar!