>>93680621Alright, assuming you're jungle then
Grubs let you push a little faster (this is GREAT when you have something like a Yorick, Trundle, or Tryndamere that can be a menace on sidelane), but they're also a very easy objective to solo for one point towards the feat
But, you have to get all 3, and it's probably not worth dying over for absolutely nothing
So watch where the enemy jungler is on the map, if he's botside and you're not and you can't really make it down there to countergank botlane, you can ping them to be cautious of the river and then go take grubs and trade even on the objectives if he's sneaking drake and you can't contest
But also take into account if enemy mid or top can come rape you to death while you're doing it if they know you're there, like if it's an Akali with a lead or some shit and you're just a squishy little fatfuck full of gold and dreams
Priority you should look for on objectives is drake > grubs, and Atakahn taking priority if it's 20 minutes
Also pay attention to lane prio, if your laners are pushed up to their tower and relatively healthy, you can go for an objective (ping for help, if they're smart they'll wipe another wave and follow) but remember that death timers are lower early game so if you kill botlane at, say, level 6 at 7ish minutes, they'll revive and get back to lane before you can finish drake and if you're all low odds are they'll kill you on it and steal it, so reset instead
Lastly, never expect your laners to actually help you, and always expect that the enemy's will help them, it's a pleasant surprise when you get cooperation then
AND DON'T TOUCH WAVES UNLESS ASKED OR TO RESET WAVESTATE, you can fuck your top six ways to Sunday and make it unplayable for them if you do it wrong or tax it, if you ever gank toplane make sure the wave is going to be pushing towards your side of the map when your laner is coming back so they can catch wave and not miss out on resources/get frozen on
Also play amumu, it's very hard to fuck up amumu, press Q at people so teammates can kill them, and then microwave them to death