>>1863492I don't trust medical "science" and frankly don't think other people should either. Stuff like broken bones healing with a splint and not drinking Clorox makes sense and all that, but the human body is still 80% a mystery to biologists. I watch the cashier at the grocery store to make sure they're not rubbing poison on my cashew clusters and it took me almost a year to stop watching the jamba juice guy like a hawk to make sure he wasn't putting drugs in my smoothie. My therapist thought I was a paranoid delusional but he also said that he was afraid I would hurt someone so who's really the paranoid delusional? Admitaddly the paranoid about food service thing started as a joke but one day I got a piece of plastic fork in my turkey sandwich, they gave me a refund but that's not enough to earn my trust back. The world is out to get you until proven otherwise. If you start looking behind your back you notice everyone is following you. My dad's orthodontist said he might have cancer and guess what he didn't, he sold all his fucking stock in AMZN midway through the 2020 boom because he was afraid he would have to pay for medical bills. My mom got taken to the hospital and they said "it's because of stress from your autistic family" but when I was 11 I already knew they were wrong, it was because she as doing a "water detox" and her blood was bad. I go to the doctor and they tell me "oh the needles have gotten way better they don't hurt as much" then they hurt plenty anyway. The only reason people still pay for "physicians" is because no one has been allowed to publish a proper hitpiece on them in the mainstream media yet.