Quoted By:
>SEAnigs/Americucks are unironically trying to change history to say that milky was leaning into it and put no fault on jowol whatsoever
>Trying to act as if they weren't /here/ when it happened trying to make her go into a meltdown and even catalogfagging to try and stir shit up even worse
>they now have the audacity to try and say that at no point was their sexpest soon-to-be rapist the sole intiator of all the cuckshit that happened, when every single time it happened it was always jowol trying to do some sort of joke at milky or her audience's expense
Jesus christ, I've heard of "chat reflects the streamer" and vice versa, but with you guys it's not only true- it's worse; you are some of most insidious faggots to ever sleaze your way into the vtuber sphere, and I can't wait for the day your sexpest oshi finally gets caught by karma for the rape he's absolutely committed and is trying to hush up on some poor con attender.