>>85922864For me, once I learned the kana and the sentence structure, which isn't very hard, I would find a song I like, a simple one without a lot of slag, you can find playlists of "Music to learn JP too" on any platform, and then I would use a EN/JP dictionary app to go through and meticulously translate the song word for word and then put it together, and by being able to sing the song it helped me memorize the vocabulary, and also helped me understand the weird fucking way Japs talk.
That got me to a level of at least being able to comprehend the different words in a sentence instead of it all sounding like a garbled mess of syllables.
It took a few years but I'm at the point now where if Nasa says a word or series of words I don't understand, I can go look them up and fill out my vocab a bit more. The really hard part is retaining it, language isn't like riding a bike and without other people to speak with I'll forget stuff pretty easy. So I've made a habit to talk to myself and sometimes pretend to answer Nasa's questions outloud like she can hear my dumb ass stuttering out random JP to her.