Baker, I see you... posted in the thread and watched you
You streamed on the youtube fingers touching keys
Eyes meeting screen
You thought I didn't see you
You thought I didn't want to
You thought I didn't care... that it was just a night -
A night of Love
It was
But those nights are special to me
Important to me
Thats why you're streaming
You're almost out of sight
The end screen replaces you in my vision
But not in my sight
It rained today and tonight it will be soaking wet
Then tomorrow well go home
Back to /pcg/
The home I know and love
Warm faces
The Special Places
/pcg/ knows 2 years of my life
But never tells
Do you think well miss the stream
Those 2 hours
the day in Ashelia
the day in Hiatus
the night in DonothonYAB
You're streaming back
the chat posts so softly
it sings to me
the song it sings
Ill Always Remember
You have some Yabs
Tomorrow night when we're in /pcg/ before the thread
Well put them to our ears and listen
it will tell the loops of the hours
the seconds too
Come inside anti Lumi with me
I posted in the thread and watched you
I care