Quoted By:
I'm making a declaration! We will run towards the top!
>宣言しちゃいます! うちらトップ目指して走ります!
(with all my might)
Is it becoming popular!? Online ticket prices will skyrocket soon!
>人気出ちゃいます!? すぐにネットチケット高騰
(rapid growth)
Idol No. 1 (full smile)
>アイドルその一 (笑顔全開)
Idol Part 2 (Take care of your fans)
>アイドルその二 (ファンを大事に)
Idol #3 (Sweat is a medal)
>アイドルその三 (汗は勲章)
An idol
Be loved!
My legs are shaking from morning practice.
I want to borrow the help of a sleepy Manako cat.
"Super hard every day"
(he to he to)
There are days when I want to cry when the haters say that I'm not suited for it.
There are days when everyone around me leaves me alone
(I want to clench my teeth and hold on)
He told me to do my best even when it was tough.
I'll sing with all my heart and soul until my voice reaches you!
A shout from you! A call! I'm going to do my best!
>君からのエール! コール! マジで頑張れちゃいます!
(Breaking the limit!)
Full house! It's crazy!? Admission is restricted everywhere!
>満員御礼! ヤバい!? どこも入場規制中!
(Great success!?)
Idol Part 4 (My spine is straight)
>アイドルその四 (背筋はピンと)
Idol Part 5 (keep bangs)
>アイドルその五 (前髪キープ)
Idol No. 6 (No snacking!)
>アイドルその六 (間食はダメ!)
Because she's an idol
So cute
"Is it Inokori with red dots?"
"That's my seat."
“I’m at the bottom of fortune telling.”
(Great evil!?)
He told me to do my best even when it was tough.
I'll sing with all my heart and soul until my voice reaches you!
Who is your number one? You know without me having to say it, right?
>君の一番は誰? 言わなくてもわかるよね?
(Let me hear it)
Pushing is strictly prohibited! Absolutely! No one but me can see it!
>推し変厳禁! 絶対! 私だけしか見ちゃダメっ!
(Of course!)
Idol No. 7 (Always positive)
>アイドルその七 (いつもポジティブ)
Idol Part 8 (Sometimes Ataku)
>アイドルその八 (時にあざとく)
Idol Part 9 (Greeting Must)
>アイドルその九 (挨拶マスト)
Idol #10
"thank you"
A shout from you! A call! I'm going to do my best!
>君からのエール! コール! マジで頑張れちゃいます!
(Breaking the limit!)
Full house! It's crazy!? Admission is restricted everywhere!
>満員御礼! ヤバい!? どこも入場規制中!
(Great success!?)
Mogumogu porridge! (Mogumogu porridge!)
>もぐもぐおかゆー! (もぐもぐおかゆー!)
Nanano Lunar! (Nano Lunar!)
>なのなのルーナー! (なのなのルーナー!)
Carve your way to the top!
Ten idol articles!