>>94772070I don't know if you fags are being real or not, but all the
>WHY NO DUBAI >MUH DISRESPECTING YOUR COWORKERS >MUH PANDERING TO INCELS>MUH IDOL CULTURE Seethe and lashing out far, FAR surpasses any amount of unicorn meltdown that has ever happened.
Dosent help that antis and Nijiniggers lach onto this group, in sheer numbers beggers are a way bigger problem then unicorns.
People don't like to think this, but holos see everything thats posted about them. Alot of them are ego searching for hours everyday. Likely speaking they have read atleast one "X collabing with daboiz will be so unhinged but muh fans/unicorns/idol culture dosent let it happen."
And they arnt going to think "omg so true I want to collab with daboiz" they will likely think that homofanbase is cancerous which is a way bigger ditterent then unicorns.