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With the absolute shitshow, feral fans dedicated to the niji brand instead of the livers themselves, and talents getting cancelled from attending at Offkai, I wouldn't be surprised if the deranged part of nijisisters tried to get Offkai cancelled entirely by making bomb threats and shit.
They have a very unhinged and unmedicated outlook on their loyalty to Niji. With them going out of their way to create a giant list of niji haters or doki supporters, trying to doxx artists and other shit, to even making arrangements to "confront" supporters en masse; it wouldn't surprise me they would try to get event to stop happening by making general threats against offkai because "how dare they do this to our liege".
If the livers and/or Riku and Investors don't continue to cause a shitshow for Niji's reptutation, the unmedicated fans certainly are.