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According to this chart, the Reimu fiasco (May-June 2022) basically did nothing to affect Vox's viewership. The "momma joke" yab (Aug 2022) on the other hand sent him into freefall. The "doxxing" yab (Feb 2023) likewise also didn't seem to affect him much, if anything his return is probably the cause for the brief bump in March 2023.
Then we have the next steep decline April/May 2023 which I can't really put a cause on. June 2023 is when he had his crying stream over his dropping numbers where he announced he would start shifting content away from man-whoring. No clue why he spiked in Oct 2023.
Last we've had the "final Yab" starting in Dec 2023 that started with Selen's disappearance and Pomu's graduation, all of which caused a decline like it did for everyone else. His line is interrupted since he hid like a coward, coming back in Feb after the black stream, and crashing even further, ending as one of the lowest lines on the chart (slightly below Sonny Brisko if you can see).
Looking at the male/female average, the numbers didn't go into free-fall until March 2024. Likely caused by the black stream, which seems to have been the final straw for all fans who weren't outright batshit insane. They were still willing to watch up until that point.