>>61003355I hate ESLs so fucking much. Everything about what you wrote is incorrect.
>Tribalist hates her, but no, she's not hurting Hololive brand or Hololive moneyThis should be: Tribalists hate her, but no, she's not hurting Hololive's brand or Hololive's money.
Notice where the letter "s" goes at the end of tribalist. It's not one tribalist that hates her. It's multiple tribalists. And since it's multiple tribalists, they "hate" her, not "hates" her. (no "s" at the end of hate). Also, since Hololive owns the brand and the money, you need to show possession with an apostrophe and "s".
Why do you fucking ESLs ALWAYS fuck up plurals and ALWAYS fuck up possessives? Why is your grasp of English so poor? Why are there so fucking many of you?