My brain is extra mushy after the Poke stream but anyway I finally started working on the conlang and made some words:
https://rentry.org/to2wyHere's also the election lore with a bunch of new conlang words:
The Owl Republic divides its sovereign soil into 9 provinces, or *Vedyrp*. Each *Vedyrp* is subdivided into a different number of *To’ryrp*, or counties under its administration. Metropolitan cities and regional capitals form their own *To’ryrp*. *To’ryrps* are further divided into *Omes*, or townships. The national capital also constitutes as its own *To’ryrp*, with its own parliament. However all state-level government buildings and land fall into the direct jurisdiction of the state.
Much more relaxed than in previous eras in history, the *Vedyrps* enjoy comparatively more freedom than before. They are led by an indirectly elected governor, decided by the votes or party composition of the province's Parliament. While the *To’ryrps* are ruled by committee, without central leadership.
The Republic is one of the very few countries that have implemented a system of Universal Suffrage. Elections are organized by the Bureau of Elections under the Department of State affairs. Citizens aged 18 or above, no matter their sex and occupation can register as a voter in their respective local Voting Offices operated by provincial branches of the Bureau. The Bureaus in different Voting To’ryrps organise elections, maintains the electoral roll, and count the votes. Though starting from the 12th century, a system of independent commissions, the Provincial Anti-graft Commission is also established in different local administrations to oversee the conduct and running of elections.
All positions in the Provincial *Suprr* (Parliament), State *Zvacha* (Council), and the Presidential seat are elected by the citizen-electorate. All votes utilize a single-member plurality voting method to determine the results of an election.
Presidential elections are held every 6 years, *Zvacha* every 3 years, for half of its seats, and the *Suprr* every 4 years for all of its seats. While the seats for the *Suprr* vary depending on the number of counties and population in each province, every *Vedyrp* is entitled to equal representation in the *Zvacha*, of 20 seats for a total of 180 council members
I know some of them probably sounds kinda weird. Maybe I'll try to reverse-engineer some natlang words instead. However I'm still stumped at how to make names for places.