>>56242795Wea, weon, aweonao, and all its variations are the chilean equivalent of "fuck". In the sense that you can replace pretty much all the words in a sentence with a variation of weón and it'll make sense. Weón and all its variants, however, do not carry the sexual connotation of "fuck".
"El weón weón, weón." is a good example.
"El weón", as in "that guy""
"weón", as in stupid,
", weón", as in, buddy, pal, friend, man (in the friendly way) etc.
So it rougly translates to, "the dude is retarded, man".
English can do "The fucking fucker is fucked". This can be rephrased as "The goddamned bastard is outta luck".
Weón can mean "retard", "buddy", "guy", "bastard" and a couple more depending on context.
Aweonao is directly an insult, pretty much calling someone dumb or stupid.
Wea is derived from "sacowea" or "saco de wea" (ballsack, in slang), pretty much calling you stupid.
A good way to see if weón is used as an insult is checking if "weón" goes before or after another insult.
"El weón conchesumadre" means "[the guy] is a motherfucker" while "El conchesumadre weón" means "[the motherfucker] is stupid"
Weá (notice the difference between wea and weá) means an object or event.
"La weá se rompió" means "The thing broke".
"Mira esa weá" means "Look at that [thing/event]".
Of note is that you should not confuse the chilean weón/wea/weá/aweonao with the spanish huevón, as the spanish huevón has an insulting connotation (meaning stupid) but it does not behave as a language wildcard like weón/fuck do.
All of this is learned implicitly by native chileans (same way as the behaviours of "fuck" are implicitly understood by english speaking people), as the schools would never teach this.
I hope this lesson helps you understand the unintelligable sentences a chilean can make.
This does not take into account the myriad of insults/odd words that chileans add to their sentences.
As always, replying with NERD only makes me stronger.