>>6571091>>6570445I posted twice in /asp/ for assistance with my layout. I got some good advice.
I was also in the /asp/cord for about a week, I got an invite from a friend and decided to see what all the hubbub was about. I don't really talk in Discords much, and the /asp/cord was no exception, I think I made under ten posts in there. I hang out a lot in Velcord and Koopacord if you wanna say hi, or you can join my Discord, which is on my Twitter profile. I'm much better at talking to people one on one than I am in group chats, I get really flustered when there's too much talking going on.
If you want to call me an aspie, that's fine, if you don't, that's fine too. I suggest not fighting over it, because I'm going to keep doing what I do regardless.